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Don’t Skim the Details


Earlier this month an alarming figure emerged from FICO that indicated ATM skimming was up 546% when comparing 2014 to 2015. In light of these figures 10-D Security wanted to pass along some tips that can help keep your debit cards out of the hands of counterfeiters.

  1. Eye Check.  Always check the ATM device for any physical irregularities. This can be colors that don’t quite match between the rest of the ATM, or on screen graphics that are not properly aligned with buttons.  In most cases the card reader and keyboard should be firmly attached. If you can move them easily this is an indication that either a keyboard or card reader overlay has been placed on the ATM.
  2. Location.  According to the report 60% of the skimming incidents occurred at non-bank ATMs.  Any easy way to help mitigate your risk is only use ATMs that are on Bank property.
  3. EMV – When possible use your EMV chip debit card and compliant ATMs. EMV cards are designed to pass dynamic codes during financial transaction which greatly impacts the difficulty for a counterfeiter.


(Example of a keyboard overlay designed to steal debit card PIN Numbers)